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Writer's picture: 32CSM32CSM

Today we remember with pride IRA Volunteer Kevin ‘Kiddo’ Murray on the 22nd anniversary of his passing.

Kiddo was dedicated and kept true to his Republican principles to the very end.

While a POW in Portlaoise gaol Kiddo seriously ill. After a long time of state sponsored neglect and deliberate blocking of necessary medical treatment Kiddo’s condition became terminal.

To save themselves any further embarrassment on the issue and only after it was too late, the Dublin government released Kiddo from Portlaoise on “medical grounds”.

Shortly after his release, Volunteer Kevin ‘Kiddo’ Murray died at home with his family on November 13th 2001.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement will always hold Kiddo in the highest regard and remember him fondly every year.

Beir Bua.

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An analysis of the proposed two-state solution in Palestine by Martin Rafferty of the 32CSM carried on the Pensive Quill.

A two-state solution was not first mooted during the negations that led to the Oslo accord. The Western media would have us believe this but it was first proposed by the British when they took control of Palestine and its destiny in 1917 after the fall of the Ottoman empire. Palestinians totally rejected any notion of it in 1917 and most Palestinians rejected the recognising of Israeli sovereignty in Palestine through a 2-state solution in the Oslo Accords of 1993.

Here in Ireland similar things were happening around the same time in history. In 1918 the Irish people expressed through the ballot box the right to self-determination and Irish sovereignty. The British response was a brutal suppression of the Irish people and then Britain imposed an illegal two state solution in the form of partition that has lasted to this day. In 1998 the two-state solution was copper fastened in Ireland when former republicans along with others accepted British sovereignty in the form of the consent principal and the diminishing of Ireland's claim to sovereignty over all of Ireland with the dropping of Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish constitution that stated the whole island formed one national territory as a right. In 1993 when the PLO led by Yasser Arafat were forced, against the wishes of a considerable number of the Palestinian population, to sign the Oslo accord there were 7,400 illegal settlers in the West Bank, today that number has increased to 670,000. The PLO were promised full control of the West Bank and the Gaza strip with the creation of the Palestinian Authority. Full control of security of the areas would still be in the hands of the Israelis. From its inception the PA has been embroiled in power struggles and corruption scandals. With the ever-increasing expansion of illegal settlements and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their lands the Palestinian Authority has become nothing more than a gate keeper for its Israeli paymaster. The two-state solution here in Ireland has not faired much better. In the 26 counties the administration has evolved into one of the most corrupt excuses for a government in Western Europe resulting in banks and multinationals having a free for all, carving up this part of the island, privatising and selling off everything to make a quick profit resulting in poverty and homelessness on a scale never seen before. In the 6 counties the Palestinian Authority’s sister party SinnFein have had their own share of corruption scandals. From the time of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement they along with their partners in the dysfunctional administration have been more than willing to implement the carve-up and selling off of this part of the Island, on their own journey from revolutionaries to gate keepers for their paymasters.

The two state solution promised to the Palestinian Authority in the Oslo accord in 1993 was to give Palestine its own state comprising of land in the West Bank and Gaza border that had been redefined by Israel as a result of the 1967 war between Israel and its backers and Palestine and other Arab states. This was even less land than proposed by the British from 1917 to 1948 and from 1993 Israel has been consistently engaging in the clearing of more Palestinian lands against international law to make way for illegal settlements and in the process turned remaining Palestinian areas into ghettos reminiscent of the Warsaw ghettos in 1940s Poland. To understand why a two state solution was never going to materialise you have to understand why Israel was created by Britain with the full backing of the UN and The USA in the first place. It wasn’t to provide a safe home for the Jewish community of the world, it was to create an outpost to look after its own interests in the Middle East and they exploited the genuine fears of the Jewish community at that time and fulfilled the delusional aspirations of the Zionist movement that was also gathering momentum. What we are witnessing now is the final phase of the project to totally and finally rid Palestine of its people and replace them with Israeli settlers but, there has always been the problem that it's not that easy because like the olive tree that Palestine uses as its symbol of resistance, the Palestinian people are extremely difficult to get rid of and are extremely resilient. The whole might of the West has been thrown at the Palestinians through their proxy, Israel, and they still have not been able to defeat them. The more extreme measures they use to achieve this goal the more they weaken their colonisation project. The reaction globally to the actions of Israel and their cheerleaders has been building over the years to the point where governments and regimes supportive of the West are fearful for their own skins because of the anger of their own people. Also, the West need to keep populating Palestine with settlers to maintain the balance of power but not only is the number of settlers slowing down but settlers already there are leaving in their droves. So instead of the political classes both there and abroad calling for a two state solution in Palestine, they should be calling for the expulsion of all Israeli politicians and the full restoration of Palestine pre 1917 when Jews, Christians and Muslims coexisted peacefully together. ⏩Martin Rafferty, a member of the 32 CSM, is an activist with the BDS movement, campaigning for the sovereignty of the Palestinian people.

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Martin Rafferty ✍ What we are witnessing now in Palestine is the final stage of the Zionist project of colonization of this part of the Middle East. In the words of Ronald Storrs, the British governor of Jerusalem between 1917 to 1926, to finally have their own Jewish Ulster in Palestine. This is one of many examples of the intertwingling of history between Ireland and Palestine. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1917 the British army were welcomed through the gates of Jerusalem as saviours by the Palestinian people, much the same as by some within the nationalist people of Belfast in the late 1960s during the programs of that time. Like here in Ireland it didn't take long for the British to show their true colors and any attempt by Palestinians to

oppose the unfolding colonization project of the British was brutally suppressed and in 1922 the infamous Black and Tans, who did a 'great' job in Ireland, were sent to Palestine. After the forced partition of Ireland and with the outworking's of the Belfour Declaration of 1917 to create a Jewish state in Palestine, Britain sent most of its apparatus and tactics from Ireland to Palestine. And finally in 1948 the scaffolding was removed and Britain handed over control of Palestinians to the Zionists.700,000 Palestine were forced from their farms, towns and villages, and many more have faced the same fate to this very day. There are estimated to be almost 7 million Palestinian refugees world wide and millions more displaced within Palestine. Many people were told by the British that this was just a temporary measure for their own safety and they would be able to return the keys they held so dear to their homes along with their dreams. This has been passed down to the next generation and has become a symbol for the right to return to their home land. So called Israel, from its creation to now has continually and with impunity committed war crimes and atrocities against the Palestinian people and has been condemned throughout the world for its actions. There have been over 50 UN resolution concerning so called Israel and time and time again they have been found guilty of breaking international law. It is also common knowledge that it has developed nuclear arms contrary to international law but time and again Britain and the USA have vetoed any attempt to hold it to account.

Palestinians have tried every avenue to protect themselves and their homeland from this onslaught. and in 1993 reluctantly signed the Oslo Accords acknowledging Israeli sovereignty in return for the possibility of a Palestinian state and the safety of the Palestinian people. All done under the watchful eye of the Clinton administration. The words the Palestinians were told to use were very similar the the words Republicans would have to use here in Ireland a few years later in the Good Friday Agreement and would have the same effect i.e. the splitting of the the resistance with former comrades being used by the occupier to oppress their own people. Words like pledge to reject violence, acknowledge Israel, acknowledge British sovereignty in Ireland, Israel deciding if Palestinians would get their own state and what kind of state it would be and Britain deciding if Ireland would become one state and what kind of state it would be. What we are seeing unfolding before our very eyes is the final stage of the Zionist project. The creators of this illegal state, Britain with the help of the USA have seen an opportunity with events in Europe, The rise of fascisms once again, populism being the order of the day within the political class, the total collapse of the left and the fear paralyzing people to speak out about. The British and USA warships massing at the beaches of Gaza are not their to protect so call Israel from the Palestinians. They are there to send a message to any Arab nation who is thinking of helping Palestine as its final lands are cleared to make way for the extension of of the state of Israel, to think again. In 1650 Oliver Cromwell yelled "To Hell Or Connaught" to the Irish people in the attempt to clear our lands to make way for the British settlers. Today Benjamin Netanyahu is yelling to the Palestinian people in Gazza to clear the last of their lands. Is this their time, The Fascists, the 1 per cent the establishment, or whatever you want to call them, or is the time of us to get off our knees and say enough is enough. ⏩Martin Rafferty, a member of the 32 CSM, is an activist with the BDS movement, campaigning for the sovereignty of the Palestinian people.

Link to the article on the Pensive Quill website:

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