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Today we remember with pride IRA Volunteer Kevin ‘Kiddo’ Murray on his 23rdanniversary.

Wreaths were also layed today on behalf of the Sovereignty Movement.

Kiddo was dedicated and kept true to his Republican principles to the very end.

While a POW in Portlaoise gaol Kiddo became seriously ill. After a long time of state sponsored neglect and deliberate blocking of necessary medical treatment Kiddo’s condition became terminal.

To save themselves any further embarrassment on the issue and only after it was too late, the Dublin government released Kiddo from Portlaoise on “medical grounds”.

Shortly after his release, Volunteer Kevin ‘Kiddo’ Murray died at home with his family on November 13th 2001.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement will always hold Kiddo in the highest regard and remember him fondly every year.

Beir Bua.

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Writer's picture: 32CSM32CSM

 The following letter was submitted to the Irish News by 32CSM national chairman Francis Mackey.

The hurt and pain caused to the families who had loved ones murdered by the British Army and their proxy Loyalist assassins cannot be overstated with Michelle O’Neil laying a wreath at a British Military event in Belfast.

Her lame explanation about being a first minister for all rings hollow whilst our country remains partitioned and a foreign government continues with their illegal sovereign claim over the six occupied Counties.


To fully understand her Home Rule mentality we need to reflect back to 1998 when Sinn Fein were in talks with the British about ending the Provo military campaign.


In return for the Provos ending their campaign ie. Peace Process, the British moved ahead with the Political Process.


This strengthened the British claim to the occupied Six Counties whilst Sinn Fein got nothing. In getting nothing they agreed to administer British Rule in Ireland.

Therefore Michelle O’Neills actions on Sunday were part of carrying out her commitment to the British Government while they continue with their illegal claim here.

Who wrote the script?

It has become clear the British wrote the script and laid out the narrative for Sinn Fein to follow. It was written in 1998 when Sinn Fein leaders betrayed the republican position and failed to uphold the sovereign rights of the Irish people.


No one should be surprised today what Sinn Fein will do to honour their commitment to the British Government, however, for Republicans our thoughts are with the families who lost their loved ones at the hands of the colonial power.


Francis Mackey

32 County Sovereignty Movement



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Members of Belfast’s 32CSM cumann have been removing recruitment posters for the prison service from bus shelters across the city over the last few days. This is not a recruitment campaign for a standard prison service, it’s a campaign for British security forces whose sole aim in this country is to maintain the British occupation and it’s interests here.

Staff in this organisation have always been looked upon by their Brit masters and by Republicans, as the lowest rung on the security forces ladder-not too bright, lazy, but willing to meet out brutality on those unable to defend themselves, the prisoners.

Statistics have shown that those from a catholic/nationalist background are more likely to be jailed by a judge in the 6 counties. Inside the jails over 70% of disciplinary charges are levelled against catholic/nationalist inmates as opposed to those from a protestant/unionist background. Independent reports have also found that time and again institutional discrimination of a sectarian nature is rife within the prison staff.

This organisation is a sister to the PSNI and like the PSNI the prison service shares a large portion of resources and personnel with British security service MI5. This shadowy arm of the British state has full control over Roe 3&4 wing in Maghaberry and Fern 4 unit at Hydebank where Republican prisoners are held and where the British state continues it’s Thatcherite criminalisation policy.

Contrary to speculation, the ‘justice’ department at Britain’s Stormont assembly retains no jurisdiction over Republican landings in the jails, anyone working on these report directly to MI5 at Palace barracks.

In short this is a totally discredited and inherently sectarian organisation operating under the shadow of MI5.

The 32CSM will continue to resist the British policies of normalisation, Ulsterisation and criminalisation willingly endorsed and enforced by the administration at Stormont.

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