Today we remember with pride IRA Volunteer Kevin ‘Kiddo’ Murray on his 23rdanniversary.
Wreaths were also layed today on behalf of the Sovereignty Movement.

Kiddo was dedicated and kept true to his Republican principles to the very end.
While a POW in Portlaoise gaol Kiddo became seriously ill. After a long time of state sponsored neglect and deliberate blocking of necessary medical treatment Kiddo’s condition became terminal.
To save themselves any further embarrassment on the issue and only after it was too late, the Dublin government released Kiddo from Portlaoise on “medical grounds”.
Shortly after his release, Volunteer Kevin ‘Kiddo’ Murray died at home with his family on November 13th 2001.
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement will always hold Kiddo in the highest regard and remember him fondly every year.
Beir Bua.