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Statement Regarding Unauthorized Use Of our Name.

Writer's picture: 32CSM32CSM

In recent months it has come to our attention that our name is being used by an individual for use in unsavoury activities.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement (32CSM) make it clear that Wayne Osborne (Bob Badger) from Dublin is not a member of the 32CSM and has no authority from anyone to use our name for selfish gain or intimidation.

This individual is involved in activities that are in no way keeping with republican ethics and to our knowlege is involved in promoting himself as a senior republican when in fact his republican credentials are suspect.

His activities cover areas in Dublin and Donegal and anyone who is approached by this man using the name of the 32CSM should get in touch with us imediately.

His behaviour is to be deplored and we reassure anyone approached and threatened by this man that it has nothing to do with republicanism, rather self promotion and self gain.

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