32CSM Day Of Solidarity For Basque Political Prisoners.
Members of the 32CSM from around Ireland and across the water in Manchester, were on the streets today to highlight the plight of the protesting Basque political prisoners held in prisons throughout Spain and the Basque country.
Political prisoner Patxi Ruiz has been on hunger and thirst strike from the 11th of May and the situation is deteriorating daily, not only with Patxi's health but with more people joining the protest both inside and outside the prisons. On the 12th of May political prisoners Dani Pastor, Oskar Barreras and Aitor Cotano began to refuse food, two more prisoners Jon Kepa Preciado and Mikel San Sebastian joined the protest that weekend. On the 18th of May Oier Andueza and Mikel Izpurua joined the protest. International pressure needs brought to bare on Spain and we here in Ireland more than anyone given our history regarding prison struggles, know how important this arm of the Basque struggle is. Everyone here in Ireland who claims to be for human and civil rights needs to do their bit no matter how big or small, to send a message to the Spanish government about their treatment of the Basque people. Beir Bua.