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New Year Message 2023/24

THE 32 County Sovereignty Movement send solidarity greetings to our membership base, friends and comrades and to all political prisoners around the world.

We extend greetings to all the Irish people at home and abroad.

We offer a special solidarity with the plight of the Palestinian people at this time of slaughter against them. The Israeli regimes onslaught is to be abhorred and we cannot stand idly by as this reign of terror is conducted with the assistance of Western allies. We reiterate that what Western governments are doing is reprehensible.

This year 2024 we believe we may be entering a new world order as a result of attempts to call for a ceasefire in Gaza being vetoed. There is clear evidence this veto at the UN Security Council is being used to allow the genocide in Gaza leaving the UN powerless in such situations.

What is now happening with the occupation of Gaza appears to be Israels intention to remain there as part of their colony. They are on record as stating they will remain for security reasons. However their record of oppression against the Palestinian people is there for all to see.

The people of Ireland can relate to these colonisation tactics and to this day our own sovereign rights continue to be denied.

In 1998 the Irish people were duped whereby Nationalist political parties, through the Good Friday Agreement, accepted the violation of our sovereignty, thus undermining the republican narrative. Today we witness the continued failure of British Rule in Ireland.

2023 has seen the continued failure of Stormont. In relation to our public services, the health service is on its knees, our education system is fractured, homelessness continues to increase and the cost-of-living crisis is creating a new work poor.

It is not enough for the political class to say blame the Tories and the British government. They sought election on the basis they could pull the Tories into line, they can’t and wont, because British Rule dictates to us how the British deal with us.

The Unionist veto in the 1998 agreement is its biggest flaw, a flaw since the artificial state was created that allows the Unionist parties to deny the Irish people their sovereign rights.

For Republicans 2024 should be the year for joined up thinking rather than a range of small organisations saying the same things. We have to challenge the political parties on their failings and their failure to protect the rights of their fellow citizens and we need the republican position articulated in cities, towns and villages across Ireland.

Our door remains open. Our children, our grandchildren deserve better.

Beir bua.

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