Statement from Belfast WolfeTone/McCracken cumann 32CSM.

Homes and businesses in the Oldpark area of North Belfast have been attacked yet again this evening by loyalists throwing bricks, bottles and timber, taxi’s leaving Ardoyne have also been attacked. A PSNI helicopter is now circling low over Ardoyne and has been for time, instead of circling loyalist area’s to find those responsible for the trouble.
Over the past week or two loyalists have been heightening sectarian tensions around north Belfast with union flags being erected directly beside nationalist homes in Ardoyne and on the predominantly nationalist Cavehill Road.
Coming into the loyalist marching season tensions are already high with nationalist area’s expecting to be sealed off and swamped with heavily armed British crown forces to facilitate the sectarian marches.
Adding to the tensions are recent statements from loyalist politicians and paramilitaries of a ‘return to war’ and sectarian attacks if the current trade protocol isn’t scrapped and a hard border put on the Island of Ireland.
We will be monitoring the situation through the night and over the coming days and would advise everyone living in flashpoint area to remain alert.